The protection of children's personal information on the Internet analyzed

22 November 2019 - 12:52 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the department  No. 9 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Sabira Ojagverdiyeva, the chief specialist of the institute, who presented a report on the topic "Analysis of the protection of children's personal information on the Internet," said that most of the information in real life has been transformed into the virtual environment. She said that the traditional use of Big Data technology devices will not only accelerate the exchange of information but also become an important factor for decision-making in all areas of life and that new social platforms will create opportunities for youth socialization.

According to her, the society recognizes that technology-based assets should be protected against threats to personal, corporate and national security. This creates a need for an analysis of the balance between personal and public information in society.

S. Ojagverdiyeva said that some of the Internet users are children and teenagers and noted that they are active in the network: “Increasing the number of digital devices is changing the activities of children, transmitting information about their daily lives to various information systems.''

She provided detailed information on the legal regulation of the personal data of children and presented a table for the distribution of personal data in the European Union.

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