Based on a request from the Electronic Security Service, an application that violates the privacy rules has been removed from the Google Play Store and the App Store

21 November 2019 - 11:48 | Important events
Based on a request from the Electronic Security Service, an application that violates the privacy rules has been removed from the Google Play Store and the App Store

The Electronic Security Service (CEB) under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies directly contacted the Facebook team about the Ghosty application.

Based on the appeal, the Ghosty application, which caused serious concern for Instagram users both in our country and abroad, and violated user privacy rights and Instagram privacy rules, was removed from the Google Play Store and App Store.

This application, created by an unknown developer (developer), allows you to open hidden Instagram accounts, view user personal information and upload account photos. When registering, the application gains access to the credentials (login and password) of the Instagram user and defines hidden profiles in this account. When viewing any of these hidden profiles, the program opens another session and shows this profile in a completely open form. Therefore, those who provide their username and password using this application allow other Ghosty users to view private profiles in their account. As the application grows in popularity, the number of “opened” profiles increases. According to foreign sources, since its inception, the application has been downloaded through the Google Play Store more than 500 thousand times.

Given that Instagram allows users to maintain the confidentiality of their profile and allow only confirmed subscribers to share posts, photos or videos, this is a serious violation of user privacy. At the same time, according to the terms of use of Instagram, users cannot transfer their rights to other users through their accounts.

After contacting the Electronic Security Service, the Facebook team, together with Google, conducted an investigation, which resulted in the application being removed from the Google Play Store and App Store. According to official Facebook management information, an official warning was sent to the developer of the Ghosty application to immediately remove this application, which violates Instagram rules, as well as to suspend illegal activities in connection with Instagram. Facebook is currently taking steps to hold this person accountable and is strengthening security measures.

The SEB recommends that citizens do not download such unofficial applications, do not provide sensitive information such as access data, and do not compromise the confidentiality of their data and those around them.

In the event of such incidents, citizens are asked to notify the Electronic Security Service.

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