Internet light transmission system in buses installed

21 November 2019 - 10:24 | Interesting information
Internet light transmission system in buses installed

Signify, a former Philips Lighting division has launched a pilot project to test bus broadband internet connections through light waves. 

Signify's LiFi (Light Fidelity) system is called Trulifi - it is an alternative to Wi-Fi that transmits broadband internet through light rather than radio waves.

As part of a pilot project, the company installed LED lighting above each bus seat, which serves as a data channel. Instead of using common networks operating in the radio range, each passenger is connected to the network through a light source above his head.

This provides increased security of the connection, since the coverage of the Li-Fi network is limited to the illuminated space. Fluctuations in the movement of the bus do not affect the signal propagated through lighting, so it is stable. The light level does not affect it either: the infrared part of the spectrum, which is not perceived by the human eye, is used as a communication channel.

Trulifi, according to company representatives, provides high-quality communications, and also allows each passenger to regulate the air conditioning system and the level of lighting above the seat, and even order food on a trip. You can control these functions through the display located on the back of the front seat.