In 2019, 18 articles by young scientists of the Institute were included in the Web of Science

13 November 2019 - 17:43 | Conferences, assemblies

The annual report of the Board of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Information Technology for the year 2019 was heard at today's meeting of the Scientific Board. Speaking at the meeting, Narmin Adigozalova, chair of the board, said that in 2019, a total of 66 articles (18 of them in Web of Science) were published by young scientists at the Institute.

Adigozalova noted that during the reporting year, members of the Council participated in 51 local and international scientific events. It was noted that young scientists and specialists of the Institute participated in the training on "EduGAIN service creation" at the institute, a scientific seminar on the rules of writing articles in international scientific journals, "Eurasia Innovation Day" within the framework of "InnoWeek - Innovation Week". at the 13th IEEE International Conference (AICT 2019) on “Junos Enterprise Switching”, “Introduction to the Junos Operating System” and “Junos Intermediate Routing” on Juniper Networks Network Operation and Configuration , Anniversary event dedicated to the 29th anniversary of the January 20 tragedy, at the International Conference "Russian Geographical Spelling - 2019", as well as "Super Moon", dedicated to the Science Day. at the joint meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Academy of Sciences of ANAS, February 2 - Youth Day, the Ministry of Youth and Sports Award Ceremony for talented and creative young people, the doctoral exams on computer science in Ganja, "ADA Heritage" at the Baku Electronic Commerce Forum (BEF - 2019) and more. took part in the events.

The Board 's activities were widely covered by the media in 2019, with the active participation of young scientists of the Institute in various television programs.

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