Drones can replace ambulance crews, says analysis

30 October 2019 - 11:33 | Interesting information
Drones can replace ambulance crews, says analysis

According to The Daily Mail, a study was conducted in New York that compared the response speed of the ambulance and the drone. It turned out that drones are able to reach critically ill patients three minutes faster than paramedics. Conclusions are relevant for many cities with heavy traffic.

Scientists have compared the speed of medical workers and unmanned gadgets at rush hour in Brooklyn. It turned out that drones can reach patients in 6.5 minutes, and an ambulance in 9.5 minutes. If it was an incident that did not threaten a person’s life, the ambulance arrived in 14 minutes. Drones reached the location in 6.5 minutes in all cases.

Drones are useful for transporting vital medicines and communicating with witnesses to the incident. For example, with an drone, you can send an epipene (adrenaline injector) for emergency assistance to people with anaphylactic shock and an inhaler for asthmatics. It is also possible for a drone to deliver a defibrillator so that it can be used in case of cardiac arrest.