Institute held a meeting with a delegation of Science and Technology Policy Institute

14 October 2019 - 16:26 | Meetings

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a meeting was held with a delegation of the Science and Technology Policy Institute of South Korea (STEPI).

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Director of the Institute for Technology, Ph.D., Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov, Scientific Secretary of the Institute Madina Saidova, Heads of Department - Corresponding Member of ANAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Masuma Mammadova, PhD, Associate Professor Farhad Yusifov, Head of International Relations Department Babak Nabiyev, Senior Researcher at the Institute, PhD Mammad Hashimov, Head of Eastern Relations Department of International Relations Office of ANAS, Bunyamin Seyidov, Head of Department of the Park of High Technologies of ANAS Zaur Ahmadzade, representatives of the International Center for Innovative Cooperation STEPI - Eunjoo Kim, Sohyun Kwon, project coordinator and professor at the Hanbat National University Choi, Jong-in.

Then a discussion took place, questions were answered.

At the end of the event, the guests got acquainted with the AzScienceNet  NREN and its Data Center.

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