Institute staff participated in international conference dedicated to 20th anniversary of RENAM

11 October 2019 - 12:19 | Important events

Head of Department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Associate Professor Alovsat Aliyev and Head of International Relations Department Babak Nabiyev attended the International Conference ‘RENAM E-Infrastructure – Supporting Excellence in National Research and Education’ is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the RENAM, the Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova.

EaPConnect project co-lead Veronika Di Luna explained how the project provides global connectivity to Moldovan researchers and educators via RENAM and the pan-European GÉANT network. CEO of GÉANT Erik Huizer discussed the value and ‘transformative power’ of NRENs more generally: “Without us, researchers and educators would not be able to exchange data, collaborate or innovate.” Fellow EaPConnect partners delivered presentations that highlighted the range of services and skills that NRENs offer to their research communities. 

Peter Bogatencov, Chairman of the RENAM Management Board, explained RENAM’s creation and its part in the international GÉANT network & community.

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