Institute held a meeting with students of the Baku European Lyceum

26 September 2019 - 16:28 | Meetings

A meeting with a group of students of the Baku European Lyceum was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The meeting was attended by the Director of the Lyceum, Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology Zulfiya Veysova, the parents of the students, as well as the Vice President of ANAS, the Director of the Institute, Academician Rasim Alguliyev and the heads of departments of the Institute.

Opening the event, Academician Rasim Aliguliyev said that the purpose of the meeting is to increase students' interest in science.

He said that in our country special attention is paid to the development of national identity and an educated generation, adding that ANAS has great potential in the formation of young people interested in science. The director of the institute expressed confidence that the development of questionnaires defining the areas of interest of students of the lyceum, the interactive work with them, the holding of the “Republican Conference of Students on ICT” will be a great success in increasing their interest in science.

Then the director of the Baku European Lyceum, Ph.D. in Psychology Zulfiya Veisova said that the lyceum she leads is one of the leading educational institutions of the Republic.

Z. Veysova gave information that the Baku European Lyceum was founded on the initiative and organization of the Scientific and Practical Center for “Yaradıcı istedad” at Baku State University and the “İstedad” Association in 1991.

She said that training at the Lyceum is based on new and effective educational approaches, methods and technologies that meet modern requirements, and added that the main goal of the Lyceum is to reveal the intellectual and creative potential of gifted children and to develop their personality.

She noted the active use of interactive teaching methods in higher education, emphasizing that information and communication technologies are gradually being introduced into the educational process.

Z. Veysova said that students of the Lyceum made significant achievements in science and culture, and also actively participated in various projects, and graduates achieved great success in the field of genetic engineering, information technology and other fields.

Then discussions took place, students' questions were answered.

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