US Army develops technology for fast 3D printing of body armor

23 August 2019 - 09:03 | Interesting information
US Army develops technology for fast 3D printing of body armor

Новейшие достижения в области 3D-печати возможно уже скоро приведут к появлению в армии США нового поколения бронежилетов. Их структура позаимствована у раковин морских ушек – галиотисов.

Thanks to the technology of three-dimensional printing, it will be possible to produce body armor directly in combat units. According to The National Interest, the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is currently developing technology for printing ceramic materials.

3D printing of ceramic products is more complicated than plastic or metal. The shell of the sea ears consists of several layers, which gives them high strength. According to the same principle, 3D body armor will be created - in layers.

If successful, the US Army will be able to print body armor in the field. The whole process of taking measurements and printing will take several hours.