An experiment was carried out in Russia to simultaneously receive information from two satellites

16 August 2019 - 11:44 | Important events
An experiment was carried out in Russia to simultaneously receive information from two satellites

The State Space Corporation Roscosmos reports that a successful experiment was conducted in our country to simultaneously receive information from two spacecraft.

It's about using MSPA technology - Multiple Spacecraft Per Aperture. It makes it possible to receive data simultaneously from several spacecraft.

In particular, during the experiment, information came from the TGO (Trace Gas Orbiter) mission module ExoMars-2016 and the European spacecraft Mars Express. Both of these satellites are engaged in the study of the Red Planet.

For the simultaneous reception of readings from two satellites, the Russian Scientific Information Reception Complex (RKPNI) was used. It is located in the Center for Long-Range Space Communication of OKB MEI in the city of Kalyazin.

The experiment showed that the reception of information from several satellites at once can be successfully carried out on the basis of the domestic ground-based infrastructure without its substantial improvement.