AzInTelecom grants free Microsoft licenses to government agencies

06 August 2019 - 14:00 | Important events
AzInTelecom grants free Microsoft licenses to government agencies

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies cooperates with company Microsoft to protect the intellectual property rights and develop innovation ecosystem in the country. AzInTelecom LLC acts as an operator under terms of the agreement concluded with Microsoft.
It should be noted that at the initial stage, the process of issuing licenses to educational institutions and students began. In the next step, licenses are issued on the basis of demand by government agencies. Over a short period of time, more than 10 government agencies were provided with Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft Server and Microsoft 365 for free. Work towards this end is ongoing, and it is planned to grant free licenses to all government agencies by the end of August.
Currently, government agencies can easily manage the relevant licenses through a single window by visiting And this in turn will lead to reduction in unauthorized use of unlicensed software in the country.