Scientists are close to create an artificial brain

18 Jule 2019 - 11:53 | Technological innovations
Scientists are close to create an artificial brain

Melbourne Royal University of Technology has created a microchip that mimics the biological functions of the brain. This allows you to create and store memories, says Xinhua. The basis is optogenetics - the ability to control the process with the help of light exposure.

A microchip uses light waves to change electrical resistance from positive to negative, which is equivalent to the formation and breaking of neural connections. This relates to the creation of memories and their loss. That is, an artificial synapse (junction of neurons) was created that is sensitive to light of different lengths. It turned out, using light of a different color, the scientists activated or turned off the synapse.

Such a system can form the basis of the new generation of artificial intelligence. He will develop and learn like a real person, shaping new memories and erasing unnecessary information. Plus, research will shed light on neurodegenerative ailments.