Continued research on the formation of information culture

10 Jule 2019 - 15:55 | Conferences, assemblies

The semi-annual report of the Training Innovation Center (TIC) of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2009 was delivered. The report was presented by the head of the center, Ph.D. in engineering Rasmiyya Mahmudova. She spoke about the research work carried out in six months. She noted that this year the center continued research on the problems of formation of information culture. She also stressed that this year the directions, goals and technologies of sign informatics, the analysis of the integration of intellectual gaming technologies in the teaching of informatics are explored.

R.Mahmudova noted that research was conducted on the analysis of gesture recognition methods based on the analysis of external elements of the hand, analysis of gesture recognition methods based on the analysis of the three-dimensional model of the hand, the study of analysis and synthesis of human mimicry in various emotional states, as well as the inclusive development of non-verbal technology and society based on ICT. R.Mahmudova noted that research was conducted on the analysis of gesture recognition methods based on the analysis of external elements of the hand, analysis of gesture recognition methods based on the analysis of the three-dimensional model of the hand, the study of analysis and synthesis of human mimicry in various emotional states, as well as the inclusive development of non-verbal technology and society based on ICT.

According to the speaker, a methodology was developed for integrating intellectual games into the teaching of computer science in foreign countries, criteria for assessing the quality of education were developed, experiments were conducted in schools selected for practical verification of results.

The head of the Center also described the work carried out at the center in the course of research and innovation. She gave information about the work done on the teaching of computer science for dissertationists and doctoral students of the republic, taking doctoral exams, on the organization of classes and exams for undergraduates studying at the magistracy of ANAS.

She reported that the Republican Informatics Olympiad among high school students was held in 2019, as well as the final stage of the nationwide Olympiad, and work continued on the organization and certification of IT courses for employees of various institutions and organizations, as well as for individual citizens.

She also informed about the work done in the direction of scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, the participation of department staff in international and national conferences, publication of scientific articles in prestigious journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, promotion of scientific and practical results in the media.

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