Reports on the concept of creating a national anti-plagiarism service and the problems of evaluating the scientific activities of researchers

24 June 2019 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No. 12 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The head of department, Madina Saidova, brought to the attention the issues on the agenda. She said that the seminar was devoted to the discussion of the articles of the department’s employees presented at the conference “The 13th IEEE International Conference Application of Information Technologies and Communication Technologies”.

A senior researcher at the institute Narmin Adigozalova noted that in the period of the increasing number of scientific publications, the evaluation of the activities of researchers is of great importance. According to her, despite the fact that the h-index is an indicator reflecting the activities of researchers, it does not provide complete information on references to the works of the researcher.

Then an employee of department Firudin Askerov spoke about the principles of plagiarism, its types, as well as the principles of operation of anti-plagiarism systems. Speaking about the creation of national electronic content, the speaker noted that currently, the development of national content in Azerbaijani is one of the urgent problems. He spoke about the main features of the existing anti-plagiarism systems and voiced the problems of anti-plagiarism systems associated with the Azerbaijani alphabet.

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