Presentation on the use of elements of fractal graphics in modern architecture and construction

21 June 2019 - 11:25 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the next seminar of department № 18 was held. The head of the department Anar Samidov made a report on the theme " Fractal graphics elements, their use in modern architecture and construction" and noted that the word fractus was translated from the Latin word "fractus" and translated as "fragments". He stated that this term was introduced in mathematics by Benua Mandelbrot in 1975.

The speaker said that fractal use in the design of structures contributes to the harmonization of the object. 

Noting that fractal architecture has been found in nature and man-made objects, he noted that fractal use in designing structures helps the object to get a harmonious shape.

According to him, experiments show that architects understand the importance of fractal graphics in architecture but at the same time it is possible to get it consciously, not only intuitively.

Saying that the nature, structure and colors of nature are reflected in the architecture and a number of its manifestations, A.Samidov noted that duplication of natural laws in the formation of architecture allowed our predecessors to create fractal buildings and structures intuitively: "Fractals express themselves in the language of nature, and the principles of formation penetrate deeply into architecture. Trees that are self-contained and unnatural in nature are one of the best fractal examples of nature."

Views on the presentation were exchanged, questions were answered.

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