The opportunities of "LoRaWAN" wireless network technology discussed

11 June 2019 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of Department No. 4 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. Opening the event, Deputy Director for Technology, Ph.D., Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov said that the seminar was devoted to discussion of the current situation of wireless network technology "LoRaWAN".

The employee of the institute, Tabriz Agashov, informed about the opportunities of "Low Power Wide Area Network" technology. He said that it is a unique technology that produces radio communications from remote distances using low power transmitters.

T. Agashov noted that the “LoRaWAN” protocol, which allows “smart” devices and “Internet of things” devices to interact with each other, is optimized for low power consumption.

The speaker gave detailed information about the work mechanism and architecture of the LoRaWAN network, as well as about its role in the “Internet of things”. The main advantages of the LoRa network are low power consumption, low cost of sensors, availability of radio communications in the absence of conventional mobile communications, as well as the ability to work with network and user devices via a dual channel.

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