Application of 3D technology in education

10 June 2019 - 11:53 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No. 18 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The report on the topic “Application of 3D technologies in education” was presented by the chief specialist of the department Zulfiyya Hanifayeva.

Speaking about the benefits of 3D lessons, she noted that these textbooks attracted more children, that most abstract topics became more accessible to students, and that virtual reality devices such as 3D glasses, 3D pencils, and a 3D printer are used.

Speaking about the benefits of using 3D printers in education, the speaker noted that children can visualize and use the necessary equipment using 3D printers and that this technology contributes to their creativity, making the lessons more memorable and interesting.

She also presented examples of 3D-modeling in the field of mathematics, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, art, robotics and other fields, and also demonstrated a video film about the application of this technology in education.

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