Discussion of offset printing technology and its main advantages took place

29 Mai 2019 - 12:30 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a scientific seminar of Department No. 18 was held on the theme “Technology of offset printing”.

The report was presented by an researcher of the institute Khanymgyz Agabalaeva. She gave detailed information about the design features of the offset printing machine, its types, and main advantages, as well as the location of the cylinders of the offset printing machines.

According to her, the main design features of these machines are the presence of a rubber-coated offset cylinder in the printing machine of the printing process, a humidifier next to the cylinder shape to wet the voids on the surface of the mold, as well as a more refined painting machine in the machine.

The speaker reported that there are nodes in offset presses.

Speaking about offset printing machines by the number of color divisions, Kh. Agabalaeva gave information about the types and key advantages of these machines, she said that if you pay attention to the classification of these machines, it becomes clear that they are classified into two types. These groups include sheet-fed and web-fed offset presses. Sheet-fed offset presses are better than roll presses in print quality.

She also informed about the cylinder positioning systems of offset printing machines, such as parallel layout, 2 offsets, 5 cylinders.

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