Terminology management tools studied

29 Mai 2019 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of Department №5 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

A report on the topic “Terminology management tools” was presented by an employee of the institute Sabina Fomenko. She spoke about the management of terminology, gave information about the analysis of parameters for terminology management tools.

S.Famenko noted that in fact, the first reports of discussions on terminology in the translation are dated to the second half of the 1980s, and this topic reappeared at the beginning of the 21st century and that the development of language technologies requires more systematic research. She brought to the attention that, to date, a limited number of studies have focused on the terminology needs of translators.

She said that in terms of software requirements, several attributes of a terminology management tool are defined for public interpretation. She noted that these attributes include quick and intuitive consultation, immediate interpretation, the ability to update terminology, freedom of choice to determine the basic structure and use several data filtering methods depending on the requirements of the translator.

She spoke about the Glossary Assistant, Interplex, InterpretBank, Interpreters Help, Lookup, Terminus tools used to manage terminology, their pros, and cons, gave information about the software requirements, the database used, and the search engines.

According to her, the evaluation parameters of management tools can be grouped into different groups, depending on the aspects of the software, the usability of the tool, the search function of the tool, the design of the database and the functions of the records.

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