Eduroam service established at Republican Seismic Survey Center

21 Mai 2019 - 10:00 | Important events
Eduroam service established at Republican Seismic Survey Center

It is well-known that apart from research institutions of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, large-scale measures are being implemented to use the services of AzScienceNet and its Data Center, which is a technological platform for e-science in the country and enables the integration of country's science and educational institutions.

Presently, works are underway to create opportunities for use of Wi-Fi, Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage, Hosting, Eduroam, IP Telephony, LOLA audio visual streaming system, operative information, e-library, e-mail, distant education, etc services.

Therefore, the Republican Seismic Survey Center's network infrastructure was connected to the National Eduroam Server at the Data Center of AzScienceNet. In the center also works were carried out on the establishment of Wi-Fi and Eduroam services. Thanks to GEANT, with the support of AzScienceNet Center’s staff, are able to use Eduroam services allowing researchers to work more efficiently in this environment and to make use of advanced technologies and services.

Eduroam is an international roaming service for users in research, higher education and further education. It provides researchers, teachers, and students easy and secure network access when visiting an institution other than their own.

It should be recalled that at the present time, the launch of these services at other scientific institutions of the country, as well as higher educational institutions, are carrying out.

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