Salvador Dali "revived" with the help of technology of complex illusions

15 Mai 2019 - 10:37 | Technological innovations
Salvador Dali "revived" with the help of technology of complex illusions

Located in Florida, the museum dedicated to the works of the legendary Spanish artist Salvador Dali opens a new exhibition. Her presence was the presence of the master himself, although he officially died in the 1989th. The organizers used advanced visualization technologies for complex images and the creation of interactive systems. For the audience, it looks as if they have “revived” the historical person.

The technology used to recreate the image of the artist has the general name "deep fake", which perfectly reflects its essence. This is an illusion, but of a level where it is extremely difficult to distinguish it from reality - especially if you are shown only what can be shown without the risk of exposure. In this case, “Salvador Dali” does not go beyond the demonstration podium, but actively gesticulates and communicates with visitors.

Historical documents, three-dimensional models, AI with a specialization in gesture recognition were used to create the image. The model was modified with the participation of real actors, and the guest artist voiced the image with a characteristic Spanish accent. And all this is clothed in an interactive system format capable of responding to visitors' actions, answering simple questions and even posing for a selfie. The exhibition organizers say that every contact with the virtual Dali will be personal.

The goals of this performance are good - to enable new generations not only to see the artist’s work but also to get acquainted with the author himself, to join his philosophy and style. However, the technologies used here belong to the category of provocative, because with their help one can not only “resurrect” anyone, but also make the character say something he never said. And this is the way for skilled fraud and fraud on a large scale.