The new system will help you quickly find veins for blood collection.

10 Mai 2019 - 15:08 | Technological innovations
The new system will help you quickly find veins for blood collection.

Scientists from Olberon Medical Innovations and the University of Nottingham Trent have created a technology that can increase the diameter of the veins by one third, reducing the number of injections that were incorrectly performed and making it easier to search for veins.

It's simple: you need to use a vacuum locally. The Vacuderm system is an advanced cable harness with an integrated pump for sucking air out. The very process of suction of air leads to the fact that blood flows to the zone (a “hickey” is created). In this case, the vessels increase in size, therefore, they are much easier to detect.

The temperature at the site of exposure also rises. This means that in very difficult cases (in children, the elderly and drug addicts), an infrared camera can be used in parallel to search for veins. The developers have released a commercial version of the system on the market and hope to soon put the system in all hospitals.