5G implementation will go faster than 4G

30 April 2019 - 15:00 | Interesting information
5G implementation will go faster than 4G

5G technology will be implemented faster than it was with the previous 4G mobile standard, analysts predict CCS Insight. According to experts, by 2022 the number of connections to 5G networks around the world should exceed 1 billion. If this happens, the landmark line will be conquered a year faster than in the case of 4G. It is expected that in 2025 the number of 5G-connections will reach 2.8 billion, representing 20% of the total number of mobile connections.

Several mobile operators announced the launch of the first commercial 5G communications services. The list of pioneers includes US operators AT & T and Verizon, South Korean SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus, as well as Swiss company Swisscom. However, CCS Insight believes that large-scale deployment of 5G networks will take several years.

“The launch of the first 5G networks is an important event for the industry, but this is only the beginning of a long journey,” said Kester Mann, director of consumer and communications technology, CCS Insight.

Another factor, due to which the introduction of 5G in 2019 will be slow, is the limited availability of smartphones capable of working in networks of the new generation. The first 5G-smartphones appear faster than this happened with 4G-models, but the high price of the first and limited range of supported frequencies will prevent their mass distribution. CCS Insight expects that in 2019 less than 10 million 5G smartphones will be sold worldwide.

The truly 5G implementation will begin in 2020, when all the leading manufacturers of Android smartphones will release models that support the new standard. Plus, the recent agreement between Apple and Qualcomm will allow to release an iPhone with 5G support in 2020, which will also accelerate the spread of technology.

Experts believe that in the second half of 2019 and in 2020 the world will earn a lot of new 5G-networks, and the leading operators in Western Europe, North America, China and Japan will start offering 5G services to subscribers.

At the same time, the situation around Huawei makes a big uncertainty about how quickly the transition to 5G will occur. If, due to concerns about the safety of the equipment of the Chinese vendor, the authorities of some states, especially European ones, prohibit Huawei from supplying 5G equipment to their countries, this could become a serious obstacle to the technology. In particular, Vodafone and BT have already warned that without the equipment of a Chinese company, the introduction of 5G in Europe may be postponed for more than a year.

According to the forecast of CCS Insight, China will become the largest market for 5G communications by the end of 2020. It is expected that in 2025, China will account for 1 billion 5G-compounds, or 37% of their global total.