Employee of the institute elected a member of editorial board of international journal

22 April 2019 - 14:21 | Important events
Employee of the institute elected a member of editorial board of  international journal

The Chief Engineer of the 9th Department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Ph.D., Associate Professor Shafagat Mahmudova was selected a member of Editorial Board of the Scientific and Technical Journal  “Бионика интеллекта”.

The  journal  published by Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics since 1967 publishes articles on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science and Cybernetics, Theory of intelligence, Math Modeling, System analysis, Making decisions, Intelligent processing of information, Pattern Recognition,  Information technologies, software/hardware complexes, Structural, applied and mathematical linguistics and etc.

Journal is indexed Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Academia, Index Copernicus, ResearchGate and others.

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