Australia has created a device to get rid of depression and improve mood

19 April 2019 - 14:38 | Technological innovations
Australia has created a device to get rid of depression and improve mood

Scientists and engineers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) have created a gadget that allows you to significantly improve your mood and save a person from depression, reports TASS with reference to the TV channel ABC.

Our device is necessary, above all, for people who are depressed. If everything is simplified, then we can say that our device returns the brain, being in a depressed state or depressed, to its normal state of neuroplasticity. We can say that in a sense it restores the brain's reaction to the world around it, ”Colin Loo, a professor at the UNSW School of Psychiatry, told the TV channel.

According to the developers, the first invention will be useful for residents of remote regions, who do not always have the opportunity to seek help from a specialist in time when they have a deterioration in their mental or psychological health.

The device has already been tested on 34 people, which are observed by psychologists or psychotherapists. According to the doctors, the test results were very encouraging.

Of course, before the launch of the device in production is still far. We must thoroughly examine everything, even the very remote consequences of electrical effects on the brain. But we definitely have a base for further research, ”Dr. Martin Sale of the Queensland Brain Institute told the TV channel.

Researchers are confident that this portable device, which can be taken home and used independently, can significantly improve the condition of people suffering from depression.