Baby Cube helps you create the perfect office environment

16 April 2019 - 10:14 | Technological innovations
Baby Cube helps you create the perfect office environment

The team of Professor Abbas Kusani of the Australian University of Deakin has developed a device called the “Cube Comfort Monitor”. However, the testers immediately called him “Baby cube” (children's zone), which reflects the essence much more accurately. The fact is that an ordinary office worker, like a baby, cannot always reasonably complain about discomfort in the workplace.

The worse the working conditions, the lower the labor productivity, but many workers tolerate them because of the fear of dismissal. Others do not always understand what is stopping them - either a lack of fresh air, or excess heat, or noise from neighbors. Cube Comfort Monitor is designed for installation on each workplace in the office. It tracks the temperature, humidity, air quality (the level of CO2 and other volatile organic compounds), the intensity of light, the color temperature of this light and the level of sound. Data is sent to the cloud storage for further processing.

The authors of the technology believe that a competent manager will be able, on the basis of data on conditions at workplaces, to understand where there are gaps in the organization of the workflow. Abstract indicators on indicators of home appliances are not quite what a real person feels, plus the rooms are different everywhere and the working conditions in them also differ. And it’s much easier to organize redevelopment or to agree on a budget for the purchase of a new split-system or sound insulation with specific information on hand.

Currently, the Cube Comfort Monitor is being tested in 15 buildings of the university itself, and if successful, the commercial version of the device may appear by the end of this year.