Unusual X-rays will be used to look for tumors

16 April 2019 - 09:17 | Technological innovations
Unusual X-rays will be used to look for tumors

A portable x-ray machine can be used to detect early signs of cancer. But this is not about a standard two-dimensional image, but about a three-dimensional image, reports The Daily Mail. At the same time, the device is compact and highly detailed.

Also, a three-dimensional X-ray machine, as opposed to cumbersome and expensive systems for computed tomography, will be a more affordable solution for small clinics and operating theaters. Now the UK Space Agency is developing such a scanner - Adaptix 3D. The basis is the same technology that is used to study stars.

The developers introduced emitters into the apparatus, which were previously used on spacecraft for mapping constellations. They emit radiation in a volume of less than 10% of the radiation of low-dose radiation computed tomography computer scanners and only 1-2% of the radiation of a full-fledged tomograph.