Decision support system using OLAP technology in National terminological information environment

01 April 2019 - 12:30 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No. 16 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS A report on the  “Development of a decision support system using OLAP technologies in a national terminological information environment” was presented by the chief specialist of the department Afruz Gurbanova.

She gave information on the integration of the decision support system (DSS), developed on the basis of  Online Analytical Processing technologies  (OLAP) and Data warehouse (DW), with the National Terminological Information System (NTIS), as well as analysis of the OLAP-cube in NTIS.

She presented OLAP-cube, created on the basis of DW. She noted that it can be of any size, and for the analysis, the dimensions “history”, “ activity” and “language” are selected.

She stressed that the original and aggregated data can be stored in relational or multidimensional databases in DSS, and multidimensional-MOLAP, relational-ROLAP hybrid-HOLAP models are used to store data at the physical level.

She said that the DSS, developed on the basis of OLAP and DW technologies, will make NTIS more efficient and durable, support supported decision making (SDM), and also improve the analytical work in terminology and will play an important role in conducting scientific research in this area.

The speaker informed that the development of a national terminological information system is an important step in the development of terminology in the country.

Views on presentation were exchanged and questions were answered.

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