Meeting with representatives of Xantaro company

28 March 2019 - 17:00 | Meetings

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a meeting was held with the representatives of "Xantaro" company – director of Customer Solutions Simon Emery and solution architecture Rob Heath. Academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev, deputy technical director, Ph.D.  Rashid Alakbarov, head of International Relations department, Ph.D. Babak Nabiyev and chief specialist Tural Mustafayev participated at the meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to establish cooperation between the institute and "Xantaro" company and the expansion of the infrastructure of AzScienceNet.

Academician welcomed the guests and gave detailed information about the institute, AzScienceNet and its Data Center capabilities. R. Alguliyev highlighted that AzScienceNet fulfills the function of the national operator for science and education networks as a member of GEANT (European Science and Education Network) and provides high quality, numerous Internet services to scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS.

R. Alguliyev noted that AzScienceNet represents our country in the EaPConnect (Eastern Partnership Connect) project to establish and operate a  high-capacity broadband internet network for research and education (R&E) across six EaP partner countries.

Later, S.Emery and R.Heath informed about the activities of the "Xantaro", international experience on network infrastructure expansion, as well as the work done in this sphere. Company representatives noted that it is possible to conduct trainings at the German laboratory to ensure free use of new equipment installed on the network by the staff of AzScienceNet.

Academician noted the importance of installation of Juniper equipment at AzScienceNet with the support of "Xantaro". He also noted that this equipment will enable the Ministry of Education to provide AzEduNet network with faster Internet speed and access to the world's prestigious scientific base.

R. Alguliyev advised the specialists of AzScienceNet to benefit from the experience of the company's representatives in ensuring information security in networks.

In the end, technical issues that might arise during the installation of new equipment and security issues were discussed, questions were answered.

Within the framework of the visit, the guests got closely acquainted with the AzScienceNet network and the Data Center and they were given detailed information about the technical capabilities of the center.

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