The number of subscribers using wired Internet exceeded 1 billion

13 March 2019 - 16:50 | Interesting information
The number of subscribers using wired Internet exceeded 1 billion

By 2025, the number of fixed broadband access (BBA) subscribers to the Internet in the world will increase to 1.2 billion against the current 1 billion. Moreover, 89% of connections will fall to 30% of the largest markets. This is stated in a study compiled by Point Topic.

The turn of the 1 billion wired Internet connections was overcome at the end of September 2018. Fiber-optic technologies and the development of broadband in developing regions will contribute to the further growth of the market.

Developing countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Mexico, in the period from 2018 to 2028, will demonstrate the highest growth rates in the number of fixed broadband Internet subscribers. In the whole world, according to the authors of the forecast, the penetration rate of technology will grow by 24%.

According to experts, some types of fiber-optic technologies - in particular, such as optics-to-flat (FTTH), optics-to-premises (FTTP) and optics-to-building (FTTB) - will be used by 2025 to connect to the network 59% of all subscribers of broadband Internet services.

According to a Microsoft study, 162.8 million residents of the United States are not covered by broadband access (BBA) on the Internet. With a total US population of 329 million, this is almost 50%.