A small quadrocopter UDrone can be controlled by the power of thought

11 March 2019 - 12:56 | Technological innovations
A small quadrocopter UDrone can be controlled by the power of thought

The startup UDrone gives an idea of what will be the control systems of the future, the neural interfaces for the connection between man and machine. In the current version, this is a duet of a quadcopter and a headset, and the copter is just a toy. It is lightweight, provided with protective frames, flies on a single charge for no more than 8 minutes and can lift only a small 8-megapixel camera. All the most interesting in the EEGSmart headset.

EEGSmart looks like headphones, but you need to wear it on the forehead, not the top of the head. Inside there are EEG, EMG sensors, an electrooculographic sensor, gyroscopes and accelerators, as well as a secret neural signal amplification mechanism. The task of the headset is to track the movements of the operator’s head and control his focus on the drone.

All commands are given by head movements and transmitted through a normal radio signal, but you need to constantly concentrate on the drone as an object of attention. To obtain skills of concentration in the application there is a section with workouts. Blinking their eyes, the operators control the drone's camera. Jaw movements are responsible for climbing and landing. Head tilts are interpreted as maneuvers, but the system works in spurts, turning the drone at once by 45 degrees, while smooth flight is not being discussed.

Feedback on such an interface is mixed, from delight to multi-page reasoned criticism. In this case, all who have experienced UDrone and EEGSmart, willingly agree that the future is for such technologies. The drone + headset kits will go on sale in the US on March 12 for $ 279.