Gesture recognition methods analyzed

04 March 2019 - 12:41 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, another scientific seminar “Analysis of gesture recognition methods” was held. The presentation was delivered by the chief specialist of the institute Kamala Gurbanova. She gave detailed information on the applications, types, current situation and sign language alphabet.  She noted that, according to the World Federation of the Deaf, about 72 million people live in the world with limited hearing and vision.  In Azerbaijan, their number exceeds 10,000.

K. Gurbanova said that the information is transmitted through verbal and non-verbal communication, and she also gave information about the stages of the gesture recognition process.K. Gurbanova presented a block diagram of the algorithm for the automatic translation of sign language, informed about the systems Fingual, Kinect, WebGL, SignWriting, HamNoSys and the principles of gesture recognition.

Then academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliyev spoke about the importance of taking comprehensive measures to improve the living conditions of people with hearing impairments, their role in society and education, using the possibilities of ICT. The scientist also spoke of the need to create a single sign language, which is the intersection of sign languages of all countries.

R.Aliguliyev also noted that it is necessary to make efforts to identify existing problems in this area, support the solution of these problems and bring the problems to the general public.

In the end, recommendations and proposals were put forward and questions were answered.

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