A presentation on modern ICT innovations

04 March 2019 - 11:00 | Conferences, assemblies

At the next meeting of the scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a presentation on modern ICT innovations was delivered. Speaking about new technological products, Orkhan Mehdiyev talked about the "smart" security system "Caruzzo" built on cars. The device connects to mobile devices and informs its owner of the car's innovations. In addition, data on mechanical damage to the car reaches the phone as a warning signal through the transmitter.

Referring to the functions of the Muzo sound device, O.Mehdiyev noted that this unit turns different sounds into a monotone and performs the sound of stereo sound. The device has the ability to control the phone.

Then the reporter spoke about the "smart" locks and said that the lock was equipped with a bar code scanner: After reading "BoxLock" information from the barcode, lock locks automatically and these locks can be controlled by phone ".

He also highlighted the advantages of a full-featured "smart" touch screen with a touch screen. According to him, the device also has the opportunity to open date and time, weather widgets, access to social networks, as well as various add-ons. At the same time, after 45 seconds, the device becomes again mirrored when it is unattended.

 The speaker also informed about the 3D-printer, which prints the food. According to him, the printer prints the food from clean ingredients. During the preparation of the food, the temperature in the printer is increased through a porous, thin curtain and a three-dimensional product is obtained from it.

Discussions were held around the presentation, questions were answered.

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