The possibilities of using visual analytics in the of computer networks monitoring visualization researched

28 February 2019 - 16:32 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of Department No. 2 of Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. The seminar was devoted to the theme "The possibilities of using visual analytics in the visualization of computer networks monitoring".

Ramiz Shikhaliyev, senior researcher, Ph.D. in technical sciences, delivered the presentation and pointed out problems in the field of computer networks monitoring. 

The uninterrupted and rapid access of network data to the monitoring system of the computer network has resulted in large amounts of information gathering, and the operational analysis of these data is of great importance for effective monitoring of networks, he said.

Then R. Shikhaliyev talked about the traditional visualization of data and information and their use in network monitoring and the shortcomings of these methods. He also informed about the approaches to visual analytics.

In the end, recommendations and proposals were put forward and questions were answered.

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