ANAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists held an event dedicated to activities for 2018

22 February 2019 - 17:03 | Conferences, assemblies

ANAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists (CYSS) held a reporting meeting dedicated to the results for 2018 on February 22.

The meeting was attended by Deputy AR Minister of Youth and Sports Intigam Babayev, Vice-Presidents of ANAS, academicians Isa HabibbayliDilgam TagiyevIrada Huseynova, Academician-Secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev, Acting Academician-Secretary of the Chemical Sciences Division, academician Vagif Farzaliev , Academician-Secretary of the Division of Earth Sciences, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov, heads of state and non-governmental organizations on youth affairs, public organizations of higher schools and young scientists, doctoral students, PhD students of the academy.

Speaking at the event, chairman of CYSS, Ph.D. in Physics, associate professor Famin Salmanov said that, the organization continued to work in accordance with the strategy defined by the ANAS leadership and the annual plan of the council, and implemented a number of new projects.

He stressed that the scientific and public activities of the Council increased the interest of young people in science. He noted that the attention and care of the President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh, aimed at stimulating the activity of young scientists and specialists.

Famin Salmanov said that the achievements of young scientists in the list of important scientific results obtained last year in scientific institutions deserve special attention.

He added that, within the framework of the project “Student of Today, Scientist of Tomorrow” youth councils functioning in individual institutes work closely with the Small Academies which are created in the city and regional schools.

Famin Salmanov also spoke in detail about the social events carried out by the council. After listening to the report, was held discussions.

Then, Allahverdi Shahveryanov, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS, Ph.D. in medicine, who was awarded the Presidential Award for Youth in 2019 in science, research associate of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS Gunay Iskenderli and others spoke.

Then, Allahverdi Shahveranov, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS, Ph.D. in Medicine, laureate the Presidential Award for Youth in science in 2019, research associate of ANAS Institute of Information Technology Gunay Iskendarli and others spoke.

Further, Chairman of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS Narmin Adigozalova presented a draft Council Regulation for 2018. At the conclusion of the event, the report was unanimously adopted.

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