Academician Rasim Alguliyev: "Further intellectualization of the E-Library Center is Necessary"

31 January 2019 - 12:25 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Head of the E-Library Center Madina Saidova presented the action plan for 2019. She pointed out that the Center carries out functions compiling, cataloging, detecting predatory journals, anti-plagiarism services and giving DOI numbers to the Institute's scientific works.

She noted that this year the activity of the "Conferences" section of the Intelligent Information Service system would be restored, the "New Publications" section would be created and the anti-plagiarism service would be arranged to evaluate the scientific activity of the Institute staff.

M. Saidova informed about the interactive seminar "Sciencemetrix'' to be held in 2019. 

Seminars will include "Detection of predatory and stolen magazines", "Capabilities of", "Plagiarism Detection and anti-plagiarism Services", "Google Scholar: Registration and Usage Rules" and "Webometrics: International practice rules of bringing sites of scientific institutions and organizations into a single standard ".

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