Research on multidimensional problems of e-science formation will be continued

28 January 2019 - 12:04 | Conferences, assemblies

Action Plan for the year 2019 was discussed at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Head of department Tahmasib Fataliyev said that in the current year it is planned to study the multifaceted problems of e-science formation in the department. Researches on the development of a conceptual model for providing information support for managerial decisions in science, development of models and algorithms for solving large-scale data problems in e-science, studying issues of integration of cyber-physical systems in e-science and development of a conceptual model of the formation of civilian scientific projects would be carried out, he noted. 

He also spoke about the work to be done within the scientific and innovation activities of the department and noted that it is intended to prepare a grant project.

Head of department informed about the upcoming work on scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, measures carried out in the framework of the promotion of scientific and practical results in the media.

An exchange of views on the plan took place, questions were answered.

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