Engineers created an air conditioner that works without electricity.

28 January 2019 - 11:30 | Technological innovations
Engineers created an air conditioner that works without electricity.

Sound energy start-up engineers created an air conditioner that works on the basis of heat from industrial production or solar energy and does not require electricity. The device will reduce environmental damage and cooling costs.

According to the International Energy Agency, by 2050, almost 6 billion air conditioners can use 37% of the world's electricity. This is due to the actively developing markets of China and India - the citizens of the countries are getting richer and buy more air conditioners in the face of rising global air temperature.

In addition, existing air conditioners emit carbon dioxide and use refrigerants that accelerate global warming. 

The device created by SoundEnergy works similarly to the Stirling engine, which was first introduced 200 years ago in the early 1800s. An air conditioner uses the temperature difference to create an acoustic wave in a looped pipe and amplifies this wave with a pressure drop until it reaches high intensity. After the heat drop has been converted to pressure drop, the pressure drop is again converted to heat, this time with a minus sign.