Clothes that make it difficult to skip school and sleep in class

03 January 2019 - 10:59 | Technological innovations
Clothes that make it difficult to skip school and sleep in class

Chinese schools are already tracking students' location through smart-chip-equipped. Each set of clothes - on two chips, which are located on the shoulders. They let you know when a student enters or leaves the school. In addition, an element of face recognition technology is also used, which determines whether the student is wearing his uniform. If a student wishes to leave school during school hours, a signal will sound.

As Guizhou Guanyu Technology Company, which developed this smart technology, notes, the form can be washed - it can withstand temperatures up to 150 degrees Celsius and up to 500 washes. Modern technologies are increasingly manifested not only in the already familiar computers, smartphones, tablets and smartwatches, but also in such, it would seem, over many millennia, things that did not change their essence, like clothes.

Provided in smart clothes and additional features. As Chaim Gartenberg reports on pages, the chips allow you to determine if a student has fallen asleep in class. It is also possible for the student to make payments using an additional confirmation of face or fingerprint recognition.

This form is used in ten schools in Guizhou, China. According to Lin Zongwu, director of the school number 11 of Renhuai city, more than 800 students of the school he leads have been wearing this smart uniform since 2016. Although the technology in question allows you to track the location of schoolchildren during extracurricular activities, Lin Zongwu notes.