Project is co-authored by the Institute's employee displayed at the "Bakutel-2018" exhibition

05 December 2018 - 14:00 | Important events

The Gonex project of the AzScienceNet Science and Computer Network employee of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Aydin Gurbanli is demonstrated at the 24th Azerbaijan International Telecommunications, Innovations and High Technologies Exhibition "Baku-2018" at Baku Expo Center.

"Gonex" project, created by Adil Gafarli, a third-year student at the Faculty of Information Technology of Baku Engineering University, with Adil Gafarli, is a platform for young people to offer real business opportunities in the field of information technology, to work with virtual projects and gain experience. The project partners collaborate with young people through this platform and offer them job opportunities.

It should be noted that this year's exhibition is attended by about 230 companies from 20 countries. Among them are leading ICT companies, as well as mobile communication operators, Internet providers, system integrators and distributors of famous brands. The exhibition, organized by the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies, International Telecommunication Union, Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation and National Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan Republic, is attended by representatives of 10 countries: USA, Turkey, Belarus, United Arab Emirates, France, Italy, Poland, Iran, Slovenia.

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