Thesis on ‘’ Regulation of the Internet economy and development of mechanisms’’ discussed

04 December 2018 - 11:20 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. At the seminar chaired by academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev, doctoral thesis of Rasim Mahmudov, head of the department spoke about the scientific-theoretical results of the research on " Regulation of the Internet economy and development of mechanisms ".

R.Makhmudov gave detailed information about scientific-theoretical results, aims and tasks of the work, actuality, scientific novelty, etc.   16 scientific articles and 12 theses were published on the topic.

The aim of the subject is to identify the problems on t regulation, security ensuring and development of the Internet economy and the development of proposals for their solution.

R.Mahmudov presented the obtained results. He noted that the main laws, advantages and problems of the Internet economy were defined, problems of internet jurisdiction, regulation of economic relations in the Internet, protection of intellectual property rights, development problems with Internet perspective technologies, mechanisms of their solution were developed.

Then R.Makhmudov answered many questions about the research.

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