Issues of ICT provision of accounting in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS discussed

04 December 2018 - 11:24 | Important events

One of the issues discussed at the next meeting of the Board of Directors of ANAS Scientific Institutions on December 3 was the issues of ICT provision in accounting at ANAS. Academician-Secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev, academician-secretary of ANAS, said that the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the central executive authority that carries out fiscal policy in our country, regulates public finance management and  implements several projects in the field of automation of the activities of state-financed enterprises and organizations in the Republic. One of these projects is the Enterprise Resource Management System (ERP), which envisages the automation of accounting and financial performance of businesses. The academician noted that in 2015, the ministry started to build a large-scale infrastructure, signing an agreement with a company with great experience in this area.

"ERP" software is being developed within the framework Financial and Accounting Reports for Fiscal Organizations - FARABI project, aimed at strengthening and modernizing potential in the field of public policy and financial analysis by applying the financial and accounting system based on modern world practice in the country’s budget organizations, he informed.

The Data Center operates in the Ministry of Finance with a central server for accounting records of state-funded organizations and here is a software package consisting of 14 modules that serve the automation of enterprises' businesses as well as the analytical processing of data collected in the accounting system, Mr.Alguliyev highlighted.

Hundreds of organizations have joined this system in our country, the scientist noted. He noted that works are being carried out in the ANAS since 2016 and now the 35 scientific institutions and organizations of  Academy uses this system and 12 organizations are expected to complete the work by the end of the year. 

The scientist said that the e-government system, which is part of the e-government in our country, is being implemented at a high level and it is a pleasure to create a national ICT product that meets world standards in Azerbaijan.

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