Indexes are developed to assess the performance of journals

03 December 2018 - 10:22 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the report of the Department No.12 for 2018 was discussed. Head of the department Madina Saidova presented the report.

The head of the department said that researches on the detection of "predatory publishing" and "theft journals" protection from them, fight against plagiarism, investigation of anti-plagiarism methods, Problems of intellectual e-libraries in Azerbaijan and solutions, as well as modeling the impact of information on social networks were conducted, she noted.

M.Saidova noted that the institute employees were provided with the opportunity to use EBSCO databases in the direction of international scientific cooperation and that cooperation with Exlibris and Alephino Library Management System was continued.

She also gave detailed information about scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities in the department, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media and measures taken within international scientific cooperation.

The exchange of views on the report was held, and many questions were answered. By the decision of the scientific board, the department report was considered satisfactory.

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