Current Approaches in Prediction of PVT Properties of Reservoir Oils analyzed

21 November 2018 - 16:00 | Important events
Current  Approaches in Prediction of PVT Properties of Reservoir Oils analyzed

The article was co-authored by Chief Engineer of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Makruf Hacirahimova and Senior Researcher  Aybaniz Aliyeva was published  “Review of Information Engineering and Applications (RIEA)”.

An article “Current approaches in prediction of PVT properties of reservoir oils” widely used empirical correlation, predictive properties, accuracy and productivity of PVT properties of crude oils from different regions of the world are researched. In the absence of PVT data that measured in laboratory conditions, an empirical correlation is used to evaluate these properties. These correlations cannot be applied universally due to the differences in crude oil composition, the working condition of geographical and oil environment. In the article, widespread correlations and models are investigated in the field of prediction of PVT properties of reservoir oil from different regions. Their accuracy and productivity are thoroughly analyzed too.

Note that, RIEA journal were includes to  "CrossRef", "Google Scholar", "Microsoft Academic Search", "Ulrichs Web Global Serials Directory", "CNKI Scholar", "Sclit", "RePEc" scientific bases.

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