An international conference on "Information Systems and Technologies: Achievements and Perspectives" started its work

15 November 2018 - 16:56 | Conferences, assemblies

On November 15, 2018, the international scientific conference on "Information Systems and Technologies: Achievements and Perspectives", dedicated to the 100th jubilee of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, jointly organized by Sumgayit State University (SSU)  and  Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held.

Rector of the university, professor Elkhan Huseynov said that the conference is dedicated to issues of great importance in modern times. He also said that scientists from Russia, Turkey and Kazakhstan also took part in the event.

The speaker said that the state policy on the integration of science and education on the basis of cooperation between the SSU and the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS is based on the fact that scientific cooperation relations have been established between the two organizations for a long time. The employees of both organizations were actively involved in joint scientific conferences, funded by the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, implementing a grant project for the integration of science and education, he noted.

E.Huseynov noted that large-scale measures on application of information technologies in SDU have been implemented recently and that the university has created an electronic library, as well as works on creation of electronic university was carried out.

Technical Director at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov spoke about the importance of the conference and said that it was devoted to topical issues.

Noting that such an event is commendable within the framework of the "Year of Demoratic Azerbaijan Republic" celebrated in our country, Technical Director emphasized the scientific and technological knowledge based on the sustainable development and security of the modern state.

R. Alakbarov said that the conference provided scientific support for the implementation of the relevant state policy. According to him, in the "National Strategy for the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020", the strengthening of scientific and technical potential for competitive high-tech sector development, strengthening of links between this sector and scientific researches, the creation and dissemination of new knowledge and technologies that are relevant to the industry are one of the main goals.

The scientist noted that the Institute of Information Technology has also been represented at the highest level this year at previous conferences held at this university. He informed that at the conference 30 employees of the institute presented 24 theses, covering a number of topical aspects of information technology.

The Vice-Rector for Science and Technology of the Azerbaijan Technical University, Professor Ilham Pirmamedov stressed the importance of holding conferences devoted to the problems of information technology. The scientist noted that the holding of scientific conferences by SSU has already become a tradition and that the university has extensive experience in this field.

Then, at the plenary session presentations on "Application of mass service models in resource management systems: problem situation and development perspectives", "Status and problems of HR training in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Optimization of non-routine placement of non-destructive objects: No Fit Polyhedron Design in Objects and Discrete Fields", "Organization of modeling tools at the stage of system-technical design of management technopark management of higher education institution" were introduced by correspondent member of ANAS Agasi MalikovAkmaral Jalqasbayeva, Professor of Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas, Mikhail Verhoturov, Professor of Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Professor of SSU Javanshir Mammadov.

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