İnternational event "Russian geography Dictation - 2018" held

16 November 2018 - 09:00 | Important events

The fourth ''Russian geography Dictation-2018'' international event was held by the Russian Geographical Society (RGC) in the Baku branch of the Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov.

The fourth ''Russian geography Dictation" is a large-scale educational project aimed at assessing the population's geography knowledge. The first All-Russian "Dictation on Geography" project was initiated by the RCC's Guardians Council in 2015 and involved more than 70,000 people in 210 regions. Since 2017, the dictation has been given an international status by President of the Russian Federation V.Putin and has been written by more than 260,000 participants at 2224 locations.of 25 countries.

The Baku branch of the Moscow State University celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and is a platform for the successful implementation of large international projects and high-level events for many years. As it is known, for the first time in Azerbaijan, "Russian geography Dictation" was held in the Baku branch of the Moscow State University in 2017 and caused great public interest.

In 2018, everyone who speaks the Russian language, regardless of age, education, social status, participated in the dictation. The youngest participant of the dictation was 10, and the oldest participant was 74 years old. According to the number of participants in foreign countries, the Baku branch of the Baku State University was considered as the largest auditorium and participated in more than 800 participants.

At the opening of the event, demonstration of video materials prepared by the RGC caused great interest of the participants. The current year's dictation was composed of two parts and 15 questions were presented to participants in each section. The participants were given 45 minutes to complete the tasks.

Note that the results of the dictation will be posted on November 30, 2018, on the site

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