Problems of web spams are being investigated

07 November 2018 - 17:20 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the next scientific seminar devoted to the discussion of web spams and problems existing in this section was held. Doctoral student of the Institute Khayyam Nuraliyev said that web spams are websites or web pages that attempt to deceive the information-search systems and manipulate its results to gain a high position in the search results.

“Although it is forbidden to use search spam today, in order to promote web sites more, in practice this technology is widely used” said the reporter. He said that the use of web spam has a negative impact on the efficiency of search engines, search results, and ultimately the searcher. The main problem created by web spamms is the creation of unnecessary content, which causes problems in search engines.

He talked about the types of web spams and gave information about context spams. He said that these spams would be used to add keywords and phrases to the main text of the site or website, as well as mixing content. There are several ways to create context spams, which include repeating keywords, inserting them into the content of the page, and so on.

According to Kh. Nuraliyev, reference spams using artificial manipulation in the use of references to various Internet resources are among the most common types of web spam: “Here both internal and external references may be spam."

He provided information about PageRank, TrustRank, Google Penguen, Google Sandboxuen, Google Panda, the web spamming methods, as well as statistical indexes for web spam domain names and languages ​​distribution.

Discussions were held around the report, questions were answered. The head of department, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev recommended further deepening of the research in this direction and presenting the results of the research to authoritative conferences and magazines.

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