Seminar on E-science, Big Data and Data Science Problems was held

02 November 2018 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The Institute of Information Technology of ANAS hosted a scientific seminar dedicated to the theme "E-science, Big data, Data science: initiatives, problems and solutions".

Presenting the report, which was co-authored by the Head of Department Tahmasib Fataliyev and employee of the Department Shahana Mansurova, she noted that the main goal of the research is to deal with large-scale scientific data problems and their resolution.

She noted that e-science is a complex system of infrastructure, data generation, collection, storage, processing, search, analysis, transmission, submission and so on. While e-science is viewed as a single system, it can be seen that it is composed of various sub-systems. The application of e-science in various fields of science plays a role of a generator in rapidly increasing large-scale scientific data. She presented the classifications of scientific data as observational, experimental, computational, and data sources.

The speaker highlighted the activities of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the International Council for Science (ICSU), the Information and Communication Technology Committee (CODATA - Committee on Data for Science and Technology) and other international organizations that support the development of e-science and as well as the solution of scientific data problems.

Sh. Mansurova said that “Data Science” was used as a term by Peter Naur, a prominent computer scientist in the field of computer science, for the first time in 1974, by providing information on the possibilities for solving large-scale scientific data problems. She noted that Data Science is a science based on knowledge and generalized form of knowledge acquisition and legitimacy.

The Big Data term was first introduced in 1998 by John Macy, a computer science expert at “Silicon Graphics”, and noted that there were general characteristics to describe the Big Data regardless of application areas. She also talked about Big data approach, its application areas, architecture and Big Data Europe project.

According to the speaker, ICSU plays a major role in solving Big Data problems with its activities. Its initiatives in solving and managing scientific data problems have contributed significantly to the development of the World Data System (WDS). WDS provides universal and equal access to scientific data, encourages compliance with data standards and conventions, and assures secure data and information.

She also informed about types of the system's membership, its structure and content.

Finally, the exchange of views on the report was made and a number of proposals were put forward.

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