Regression model for innovative products production in Technoparks developed

01 November 2018 - 14:38 | Conferences, assemblies

The Institute of Information Technology of ANAS hosted a scientific seminar dedicated to the theme "Establishment of Multifactor Regression Model of Innovative Products / Services in Technoparks". The head of the department, Ph.D. in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev spoke about the necessity to create the modern complex of innovative technologies in the country, to increase the competitiveness of the country, to expand innovation and high technologies based on modern scientific and technological achievements, as well as to develop new technologies.  He pointed out that the multi-factor correlation-regression model of innovative product/service production in technoparks is considered to be one of the most important and urgent issues for the modern era.

Then, the employee of the department, Roza Shahverdiyeva, spoke about the construction of a complex model of effective operation of technoparks. The functionality of the technopark's performance management system includes the formation of innovative activity support system, the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of scientific, research, experimental-design works, consulting, engineering, technical, technological, information and other services to innovative enterprises.

Then, she presented a conceptual model for the management of the technology park.  She gave information about selection, evaluation and implementation of innovation projects, the increase of innovation potential, coordination with state and financial structures, integration of production-science-education-business relations, an organization of socio-economic objectives, tasks, etc.

She spoke about the creation and management of technology parks. Development strategy and the establishment of effective relations with relevant structures, the organization of activities on the integration of science-education-business relations, the formation of favorable innovation environment and commercialization of scientific-research results are necessary.

After the exchange of views on the report, questions were answered and a number of proposals were put forward.

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