Advantages of automation of terminological works investigated

25 October 2018 - 15:16 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS on "The advantages of automation of terminological works" was held.

The chief specialist of the institute, Afruz Gurbanova, spoke about lexicography and terminology, automation of lexicography and terminology, as well as, terminology database.

As any professional activity field in the current period, information technology has become an integral part of linguistics, she noted. Dictionaries that are means of native and foreign language learning serve to expand the knowledge base, as well as to strengthen the existing knowledge.

The researcher provided information on perspective directions of lexicography and terminology and noted that It concerns discovering new problems of lexicography and terminology theory, confirmation of new scientific paradigms integrated with lexicography and terminology, improvement of existing types and genres of dictionaries, the creation of dictionaries based on new principles and issues, etc.

She also talked about the advantages of computerization in lexicography and terminology. Mrs. Qurbanova noted that the computer is able to offer more flexibility to broadband, citation material, and multilingual information. Main directions of Lexicographic Informatics include the automatic acquisition of various dictionaries with the help of computer tools, theoretical and practical aspects of compiling computer dictionaries for the natural language processing system, the creation of a machine version of traditional dictionaries.

Establishing dictionaries on the basis of computing technology, including the creation of electronic dictionaries operating in computer memory or magnetic carriers, is part of the terminology-informatics.

She informed about Terminology database. Wide use areas of this base includes the provision of information and inquiry services to specialists in various fields of knowledge, provision of traditional translation of scientific and technical literature, provision of machine translation system, the linguistic supply of automated information systems and etc.

In addition to promoting the effectiveness of terminology, terminology database created in our country will allow to model the terminology system of our language and explore Azerbaijani terminology, she highlighted.

Finally, discussions were held on the subject, questions were answered.

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